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The first thing they should understand is the reason why they were banned, for them we are going to review the most common points why these problems occur.

  1. make groups and have people start leaving and at the same time report the group.

  2. Send massive messages person by person and have them report your account as spam.

  3. Participate in groups where sexual topics, CP, Zoophilia, Gore or anything that you consciously know is frowned upon in the community are shared.

  4. Use third-party applications such as WhatsApp Plus or others.

  5. Sell ​​prohibited things such as weapons and drugs.

  6. Being a victim of hackers.

All of these are clear reasons for violating WhatsApp’s usage policies. In many cases, the system automatically detects the behavior, such as when it comes to child pornography, unless you are the victim of a hacker.

how is this possible?

Well, the truth is that in the underworld of WhatsApp hackers can charge from 150 dollars to 2000 dollars for attacking a number and they have methods so that the blocks are permanent and temporary. I know these communities very well because I have been working with these cases since 2016.

It was very important to explain the reasons, WhatsApp has 3 types of bans.

Spam ban: being the easiest to resolve.

Permanent ban: having a medium and responsible difficulty, this report includes all violations of WhatsApp policies.

Ban for pornography or CP: this being the most difficult to recover.

Probably with these methods, 50% of the people who are here to solve their problem will be able to return to their WhatsApp accounts in hours, while others will find it quite difficult. I will be very detailed in the processes and according to the responses we receive then. You can identify what problem you have.

How does the appeal system work?

Before explaining the methods, it is important that you know that rarely does a real human review your appeal. Generally, there are certain keywords that will help you when you send your appeal. For some reason, the system detects them and generates an interaction in your favor. automatically, in recent years working on WhatsApp recoveries for businesses and individuals, I discovered that some restrictions that seem permanent disappeared after 3 months, this when it comes to an account blocked for violating the terms and conditions of WhatsApp, so if your number is already has been blocked for more than 3 months, it is possible that it simply enters automatically or that when you send an email you have an automatic and positive response allowing you access to your account, in other cases where the blockage was sexual and more serious after 6 months, the WhatsApp could be recovered more easily, I say this because it is important that you know that there is a way to recover your number, even WhatsApp is capable of identifying over time if your number was the victim of a false report made by a hacker.

Emails we have to use to unbans:

These are methods so you must maintain the language of the message and the same text, the only thing you are going to change is the phone number and you will enter yours.

Spam unban methods:

You can put different subjects related to your problem, for example, help to recover my WhatsApp.

Just choose one of the emails to make 1 attempt per email.

Hello team support, my number was suddenly banned from WhatsApp and I don’t know anything and I have never violated any WhatsApp policy kindly, open my number, myw number is [+62×××××××]

Halo pihak sekaligus developer whatsapp yang saya hormati, saya ingin menanyakan tentang perihal Akun whatsapp saya yang diblokir dari penggunaan whatsapp, saat ini saya sangat bingung karena Akun whatsapp saya diblokir dari penggunaan whatsapp tanpa sebab yang jelas karena saya sama sekali tidak melakukan hal-hal apapun yang dapat melanggar kebijakan whatsapp, Saya harap Akun whatsapp saya dapat dihapus dari pemblokiran penggunaan whatsapp, karena saya sama sekali tidak merasa melanggar kebijakan whatsapp, terimakasih. Akun whatsapp saya +62Xx

Hello parties as well as WhatsApp developers who I respect, I want to ask about my WhatsApp account being blocked from using WhatsApp, right now I’m very confused because my WhatsApp account has been blocked from using WhatsApp for no apparent reason because I didn’t do anything at all. which can violate whatsapp policy, I hope my whatsapp account can be removed from blocking whatsapp usage, because I don’t feel that it violates whatsapp policy at all, thank you. My whatsapp account is +62Xx

مرحبًا بالأطراف بالإضافة إلى مطوري WhatsApp الذين أحترمهم ، أريد أن أسأل عن حظر حسابي على WhatsApp من استخدام WhatsApp ، في الوقت الحالي أنا مرتبك للغاية لأن حسابي على WhatsApp تم حظره من استخدام WhatsApp دون سبب واضح لأنني لم أفعل ذلك. ر تفعل أي شيء على الإطلاق. والتي يمكن أن تنتهك سياسة whatsapp ، آمل أن تتم إزالة حسابي على whatsapp من حظر استخدام whatsapp ، لأنني لا أشعر أنه ينتهك سياسة whatsapp على الإطلاق ، شكرًا لك. حساب whatsapp الخاص بي هو + 62Xx

Hai admin whatsapp yang saya hormati, saya ingin menanyakan tentang perihal Akun whatsapp saya yang diblokir dari penggunaan whatsapp, sebelumnya saya sudah meminta tinjauan diaplikasi whatsapp messenger dan Akun whatsapp saya diblokir permanen dan tidak bisa dipulihkan kembali, Saya mohon agar akun whatsapp saya dapat ditinjau kembali karena saya tidak pernah melanggar kebijakan whatsapp apapun itu, saya harap akun whatsapp saya dapat ditinjau lebih lanjut dan dihapus dari pemblokiran whatsapp, karena saya merasa tidak pernah sekalipun melanggar kebijakan whatsapp, terimakasih. Akun whatsapp saya +62Xx

Permanent and CP unban Methods:

Subject :

– Indonesia

Permohonan Untuk Menghapus Pemblokiran Pada Nomor Saya

– Inggris

Application To Unblock My Number

– Rusia

Приложение для разблокировки моего номера

– Arab

تطبيق لإلغاء حظر رقمي

Kirim Ke :

Bahasa -Indonesia

Halo Pihak WhatsApp, Saya Telah Terkena Tipu, Saya Di Paksa Oleh Seorang Pria Untuk Memasang Foto Profil Pornografi Anak – Anak Di Nomor Whatsapp Saya, Jika Tidak Saya Akan Di Bunuh, Dan Orang Tua Saya Juga Akan Di Bunuh, Tanpa Pilihan Lain Saya Menuruti Kemauan Pria Tersebut Saya Sudah Memasang Foto Profil Tersebut Tetapi Tiba Tiba Nomor Whatsapp Saya Terblokir Dan Mendapatkan Informasi Bahwa Akun Whatsapp Saya Tidak Dapat Di Gunakan Lagi, Banyak Data – Data Pribadi Saya Di Dalam Nomor WhatsApp Saya Ada Foto Foto Kakek Saya Nenek Saya Dan Lain Lain, Saya Memohon Kepada Pihak Whatsapp Tolong Hapus Atau Membuka Blokir Pada Nomor Saya Yang Terblokir Secara Permanen, Saya Hanya Bisa Mengandalkan Pihak Whatsapp Yang Bisa Membuka Blokir Nomor Whatsapp Saya, Nomor Saya Adalah:+628

Bahasa -Inggris

Hello WhatsApp Party, I have been tricked, I was forced by a man to post pornographic profile photos of children on my WhatsApp number, otherwise I will be killed, and my parents will also be killed, with no other choice I complied. I had posted this profile photo of the man, but suddenly my Whatsapp number was blocked and I received information that my Whatsapp account could no longer be used, a lot of my personal data in my WhatsApp number contained photos of my grandfather, my grandmother and so on. I am asking WhatsApp to please delete or unblock my permanently blocked number. I can only rely on WhatsApp to unblock my WhatsApp number. My number is: +628

Bahasa -Rusia

Привет, WhatsApp Party, меня обманули, мужчина заставил меня опубликовать порнографические фотографии детей на мой номер в WhatsApp, иначе меня убьют, и мои родители тоже будут убиты, и я не подчинился никакому другому выбору. Я разместил эту фотографию профиля этого мужчины, но внезапно мой номер WhatsApp был заблокирован, и я получил информацию о том, что мою учетную запись WhatsApp больше нельзя использовать, многие мои личные данные в моем номере WhatsApp содержали фотографии моего дедушки, моей бабушки и скоро. Я прошу WhatsApp удалить или разблокировать мой постоянно заблокированный номер. Я могу рассчитывать только на WhatsApp, чтобы разблокировать мой номер WhatsApp. Мой номер: +628


Remember to try more than once in case you receive an incorrect response within 24 hours, do not abuse sending emails because they can place your email and your number on a blacklist, these texts contain specific words that are interpreted by the automatic system. WhatsApp, remember that the only thing you have to change is the phone number and enter yours.

After sharing this knowledge, hoping that it will be of great help and solutions for others, I must put myself at the service of those who cannot recover their WhatsApp accounts and need professional assistance. I can open any number in any situation from 1 to 15 days, obviously. My service is paid, but first of all I recommend you try everything possible to recover it yourself, remember if you need my professional services, contact me.

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